

Hello Everyone,this is a my proposal company profie PROPOSAL COMPANY PROFILE PUYA DESIGN & INTERIOR Jl. Kenconowunggu V No, 21, Semarang BUILDING AND HOME INTERIOR DESIGN Arranged by: Ayup Hardiyanto XII DPIB 3/05 SMK N 4 SEMARANG CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.BACKGROUND In the field of design, there are many things that need to be considered in its manufacture.  It requires special abilities of a worker so that they can produce good quality products.  In addition to improved products, the company’s workers are all given more in-depth training so that they can produce quality workers according to world worker standards.  This company is a company based on Home and Interior design.  This company is needed by consumers who have an interest in home planning and home interiors.  In the future this company can compete with world-renowned home design and home interior design companies. B. ABOUT COMPANY  PUYA is Interior Design company founded in 2023 by [Ayup Hard...

GUYSSS, yuk mengenal quensionnairre

1. Definition data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to answer. 2. Social function the process of interaction with the social environment that begins at birth and ends after death. 3. Sample 4. Expresion and sentence • Use quenstions that have a clear meaning  • complex quenstions  • Double barrelled  5. Type of questionnaire • online questionnarie  • In-house questionnarie • mail questionnarie 6. Doing surfey The conclusion from the surfey I made can be concluded that dating is not important for my friends

Yuk simak penjelasan mengenai surfey

 1.Definition Survey (survey) or complete self-administered survey is a primary data collection method by providing questions to individual respondents. So it can be concluded that a survey is a method for gathering information from groups that represent a population: a large number of respondents. 2. Social funcion A survey is a comprehensive examination or research. Surveys carried out in conducting research are usually carried out by distributing questionnaires or interviews, with the aim of finding out: who they are, what they think, feel, or the tendency of an action. 3. Sample 4. Expresion and sentences Examples of how to use the word “expression” in a sentence. How to connect “expression” with other words to make correct English sentences. expression (n): the act of saying what you think or showing how you feel using words or actions 5. Type  Private Survey Survey conducted for certain people (clients) and not published. Tracking Polls Short surveys with not too many sa...

Mari mengenal tabel

 definition of tables: A table is an arrangement of data presented in rowns and colmns.  2.function of tables: • Provide brief information • Simplify classification • Generaliz 3.sample of table 4.table family expence 5.plan to desain

Yuk mengenal analytical text

 Analytical text 1. Definition  Analytical exposition text is a text that explains a phenomenon or problem comprehensively by using arguments that support the ideas of the text. The main function of analytical exposition text is to tell and convince the reader that the issue raised is important 2. Generic structure  1.Thesis (introduction): introduces the topic and indicates the author's opinion regarding the topic.  2. Series of arguments (body text): describes the arguments that support the author's opinion.  3. Reiteration (conclusion): 3.Purpose To convince the reader that the topics presented was an important topic to be discussed or gained attention by way of providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic. 4.Language features 1.      Using relational process = Relationships between and among leaders, workers, followers, partners, co-workers, etc. people knowing and caring about people.       2.  ...


  Langkah pembelajaran bhs inggris pada hari senin 2 januari 2023 langkah²pembelajaran yang agak menyenangkan untuk pertama kali pertemuan.dan langkah²pembelajaran kemarin bu yuni menyuruh semua murid menterjemahkan resolusi potoprofil yang kemarin bu yuni akbar terangkan. Demikian yang bisa saya simpulkan dari pembelajaran bhs inggris yang pertama pada hari senin 2 januari 2023