Hello Everyone,this is a my proposal company profie PROPOSAL COMPANY PROFILE PUYA DESIGN & INTERIOR Jl. Kenconowunggu V No, 21, Semarang BUILDING AND HOME INTERIOR DESIGN Arranged by: Ayup Hardiyanto XII DPIB 3/05 SMK N 4 SEMARANG CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.BACKGROUND In the field of design, there are many things that need to be considered in its manufacture. It requires special abilities of a worker so that they can produce good quality products. In addition to improved products, the company’s workers are all given more in-depth training so that they can produce quality workers according to world worker standards. This company is a company based on Home and Interior design. This company is needed by consumers who have an interest in home planning and home interiors. In the future this company can compete with world-renowned home design and home interior design companies. B. ABOUT COMPANY PUYA is Interior Design company founded in 2023 by [Ayup Hard...